Why Choose Us ?

At Surgi-plan.com, we offer the full range of application services to ensure your products are cleared with the minimum of fuss.

Our cradle-to-grave application service avoids delay and reduces the risk of failure.

Indentification of correct licenses and permissions
Full management of the application process
Swift response to requests for additional information
Independent product testing to government standards
Dedicated account manager
Delivery of finalized application

Instant distribution

Securing reliable distribution in China is the principal challenge across all industries. To successfully place an imported product, a vendor must progress through complex layers of customs officials, agents, managers and bureaucrats, each step of which is strongly influenced by connections and relationships (guanxi)

At Surgi-plan.com, we offer you the chance to leverage our existing relationships to secure nationwide distribution within China.

Collaborative access to Maydeal.com 1,000-strong dealer network that cover 80% of hospitals in China
Management of the import process including representations to customs officials
Sales training delivered to distribution network to maximize sales
Online sales and promotion through our Chinese-language website
A dedicated sales manager offering detailed feedback and sales reporting

Localization Services

In terms of culture, politics and language, China differs significantly from rest of the world. Although the country have opened up economically, international conventions of communication and business simply do not apply.

All products must conform to a complicated series of government standards and communication with the Chinese consumer is fraught with cultural pitfalls.

Our bespoke services provide our customers with a fully localized solution

Top of the range translators experienced in medical terminology
Full design and layout services for brochures, manuals and marketing materials
Onsite team of China specialists experienced in the nuances of local culture
Multi-lingual services including English-language reporting
Full compliance team for product labeling and distribution
Complete range of marketing services

After Sales Services

Once your product is approved and you have made your first sales, we do not simply leave you to fend for yourself.

Our staff are trained to the highest standards to answer customers’ technical and operational queries and provide online support for maintenance and training issue

First-line technical and customer support
Online maintenance and remote query response
Multi-lingual support staff to effectively communicate with all parties
Technical service department staffed by highly-trained medical imaging software specialists
Spare parts depots throughout the country