• Reconciling privacy an...
    Artifcial intelligence (AI) models are vulnerable to information leakage of their training data, which can be highly sensitive, for example, in medical imaging. Privacy-enhancing technologies, such as diferential privacy (DP), aim to circumvent these susceptibilities. DP is the strongest possible protection for training models while bounding the risks of inferring the inclusion of training samples or reconstructing the original data. DP achieves this by setting a quantifable privacy budget. Although a lower budget decreases the risk of information leakage, it typically also reduces the performance of such models. This imposes a trade-of between robust performance and stringent privacy. Additionally, the interpretation of a privacy budget remains abstract and challenging to contextualize. Here we contrast the performance of artifcial intelligence models at various privacy budgets against both theoretical risk bounds and empirical success of reconstruction attacks. We show that using very large privacy budgets can render reconstruction attacks impossible, while drops in performance are negligible. We thus conclude that not using DP at all is negligent when applying artifcial intelligence models to sensitive data. We deem our results to lay a foundation for further debates on striking a balance between privacy risks and model performance. 了解更多
  • 医渡科技携手腾讯云共建行业大模型,加速推进医...
    近日,腾讯云召开行业大模型及智能应用技术峰会,医渡科技作为医疗AI领域的代表性企业受邀参会。会上,医渡科技CTO、首席人工智能科学家闫峻和多家来自不同行业的优秀企业,与腾讯云共同启动行业大模型共建合作。该合作将基于医渡科技在医疗智能领域丰富的专业知识、场景经验及特有的算法和技术优势,结合腾讯云强大的计算资源能力支撑,共同构建行业大模型,加速推进大模型技术在医疗产业的创新和落地。 了解更多
  • “推”动创新!|推想AI-4D获手术室智能辅...
    近日,2023第五届中国医学创新峰会在青岛盛大举行。本次会议由国家卫生健康委医药卫生科技发展研究中心指导,中国医学创新联盟CMIA、海南博鉴医学创新研究院、健康界等共同主办,青岛大学附属医院协办,上海九院、华西医院、中山医院、北医三院、湘雅医院、协和医院、中科大附一院(安徽省立医院)、齐鲁医院等学术主办,众多学术大咖坐而论道,共同探索中国医学创新之路。 了解更多
  • AI+医学影像应用全景扫描:除自动识别病灶,...
    新冠疫情的肆虐,牵动了无数人的心弦。CT影像是新冠肺炎诊断的重要依据,大量疑似病例的CT影像诊断和确诊患者的CT影像评估给影像医生带来了沉重的工作负担。医学影像AI公司纷纷在此次疫情中贡献力量,推出新冠肺炎CT诊断产品,辅助影像医生在有限的时间内对海量CT影像进行快速诊断。 了解更多
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