In a world where patients still die because they get diagnosed too late or receive ineffective treatments, something needs to be done.


We tackle this head on with Quibim Precision®, the whole-body imaging ecosystem that understands every body part.

We speak human

We unveil the human body in its intricacies and uniqueness to detect disease signatures and monitor biological systems with the highest resolution – allowing the deconstruction and reconstruction of the entire body.

We understand every body part

We mine medical images to extract critical and often evasive health indicators: quantitative imaging biomarkers.


Discovering an anomaly in organs or tissues early is key to recovery, and preventative measures can delay disease onset altogether. Beyond diagnosis, imaging biomarkers also help us to better understand the mechanism of action of drug candidates and guide therapy, monitor recovery or relapse, and change the way research is being carried out.


We are on a mission to improve human health through AI-guided precision medicine and apply our advanced computational models to boost all fields from immuno-oncology to neurology. With Quibim, troves of clinical data typically hidden in imaging repositories and medical records emerge to guide clinicians, all over the world, every single day.

Made by humans for humans

We will always be at the forefront of science.

We established a step-by-step process for the development of novel imaging biomarkers. In 2013, the European Society of Radiology made it the reference industry guideline.

One of the many techniques we designed as early as 1994, soberly dubbed ‘temporal reconstruction images’, is now prevalent and known as Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI. It led to the discovery of permeability coefficients such as K-trans used in oncology to analyze tumor angiogenesis. It has since been linked to vascular endothelial growth factor in tissues.

As a global leader in whole-body medical imaging, we believe in evidence-based research. We publish extensively and have compiled one of the richest catalogues of imaging biomarkers and non-invasive detection methodologies in the world.

Our tools are used in daily practice and research to advance clinical knowledge.

Quibim was founded in 2012 by Dr. Luis Martí Bonmatí and Dr. Ángel Alberich Bayarri. It spun out from La Fe Health Research Institute, part of La Fe Polytechnics and University Hospital in Valencia, Spain.

Quibim continues to write the story of human health.

Quibim is a human story.